Clear Communication: OPUS is designed to maintain good voice quality even when you're in a place with not-so-great internet or mobile signal. It helps your voice come through clearly to the person you're talking to.

Adaptable to Different Conditions: It's like having a super flexible translator who can switch between languages easily. Similarly, OPUS can adjust itself to different network conditions. So, even if your internet speed changes while you're on a call, OPUS can adapt to keep your conversation smooth.

Efficient with Data: OPUS is smart about using data. It doesn't hog too much of it, which is great for mobile apps. This means you can have good call quality without using up all your mobile data too quickly.

Low Latency: Latency is like the delay between you speaking and the other person hearing it. OPUS keeps this delay low, making your conversations feel more natural and real-time.

In a nutshell, OPUS is like a tech wizard that helps your mobile VoIP app work well even in tricky network situations, giving you clear, adaptable, and efficient voice communication.